Month: February 2004

Web Design Envy

As I learn more and more about web design, as I visit more sites on the internet, I find myself stumbling across sites that makes me absolutely green with envy. I find myself asking, “Why? Why? Why?!?!”, because they have come up with something that appeals to me, yet I didn’t think of before. Here…

Confessions Of A Reduced Fat Convert

I know I’m not going to win any sympathies with this post, but I thought I’d share it anyhow. To begin with my story, let me start at the beginning. I’ve always been skinny my whole life. In middle school, I nearly didn’t make the team because I didn’t meet a minimum weight requirement set…

CSS Beyond The Retrofit

Molly has written an article starting with the basics of CSS on informIT. It’s a great article to read if you want to learn about CSS, or even just brush up on your CSS skills. It’s a gentle way to start out on CSS too, as opposed to jumping right in like I did with…

A Flame From The Past

Reading the title, you’d think some girlfriend from the past has showed up at my doorstep or something, but I quite literally mean a flame from the past. Back in 2000, I worked on a hardware site called GA-Hardware (now dead, as well as the network it was based on, Gamer’s Alliance). During that time,…