Month: February 2004

Love? Dude, Get A 40GB iPod

From Pug’s Place, is a hilarious geekism from a Slashdotter taken from the latest Ask Slashdot column: “Love (Score:5, Insightful)by LamerX (164968) on Saturday February 07, @01:38PM(#8212723) Being a lonely geek myself, I would say that I would be happy just getting to spend my day with a girl I love. The only thing that…

Black Bean & Feta Cheese Salad

Last night I discovered a nice website, The Amateur Gourmet, which is interesting because I’m going through the same phase – learning to cook a lot of good meals. He got some exposure from CNN when he made cupcakes that resembles the Janet Jackson boob episode at the Superbowl. I decided to do something similar,…

Stop Resizing My Browser

I’ve written a program called, “Stop Resizing My Browser!”, where once installed on your computer, it will detect if a stupid website tries to resize your browser. If a website does try, this program will hijack that website and redirect it to the Hampsterdance site. An email will be sent to the technical contact, and…

Not Applicable’s Dark Ambient

I stumbled on n o t . a p p l i c a b l e when I saw anythingapplies in my referrals page. Checking out the link section, I saw mention of not applicable, that they make dark ambient music. Some of you already know that I’m really big on ambient music right…