Category: Design

Converting A Site To HTML 5

As you may notice, I’m using a new look here on GoodBlimey with a theme that now supports the modern HTML 5 markup language. What this means is that the site can now move forward with new techniques and be more visible with search engines and basically have etter use of semantics and markup to…

Build a Website (for Beginners)

Not everyone has the time to learn HTML and CSS, the code that are used to structure and design websites. Many people just want to put one up with no fuss and be done with it. Fortunately, today there are many options to create and build a website without any technical knowledge at all, just…

New Look, Construction Underway

You may notice the site now has a much cleaner, simpler look compared to the previous cluttered, busy design. I got tired of the previous design and intend on working on this new look. So if you see things changing around, don’t fret, I’m just sprucing it up according to my tastes and to also… – Gaming on the iPhone and iPod Touch

I’m announcing my new website I’ve just finished putting together and now unveiling to the public, is all about gaming on the iPhone and iPod Touch, now that Apple’s new App Store is open to the public and cranking out games every single day. Mobile gaming a rapidly growing industry, and is…