Category: Personal

Why Do I Even Blog?

As the years gone by, I still am uncomfortable with having a blog. Occasionally I’ll want to post something, usually because I want to share something great, or to appease the 3 women that actually visit this site asking why I don’t post much (hi ex-lover, hi stalker, hi mom.) The truth of the matter…

Song To Play At Your Funeral

Someone asked what song I’d like to have playing at my funeral. I thought I was going to sit long and hard, thinking about it. Nope, immediately I knew what I’d like at my funeral. Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Gonna Take It; put it up to eleven. Norman Greenbaum’s Spirit in the Sky is a…

Sarcasm at its Finest

When I’m in a bad mood, I tend to read news headlines, and then I think up sarcastic responses to those headlines without actually reading the articles. I’m not sure why I do this, really. Although I do have to admit I use sarcasm as a defense mechanism and for humor, which can lead to…

Assumptions from my Writings

For as long as I can remember, I get emails from people that misinterpret my posts on this site. For example, someone assumed I was a dentist because of the posts I’ve made recently about my oral surgery, and she wanted answers I couldn’t give. Just now I had to delete a comment from someone…