Category: Personal

After the Oral Surgery – Day 4

I woke up this morning with a nasty fever, and a killer headache to boot. I’ve come to realize that I’ve been getting headaches due to my Pepsi/caffeine withdrawal, which isn’t making my recovering any more fun. The fever seems to be fighting the infection in upper-lip gum area, as it has gone down during…

After the Oral Surgery – Day 2

I thought I’d share a few things I’ve learned in the two days after my teeth extraction surgery. I got a bruise on my throat, which is why I still have a sore throat. This was likely caused by a tube that was put down my throat during the procedure. I also have an infection…

My Teef are Gone from my Mouf

Well, not all of them — 6 on top, and 2 back wisdom teeth on the bottom. It feels really weird, but what is making it worse is a sore throat. I developed the sore throat 2 days ago, about 8 hours before the surgery, which is just the worst time you can get a…

Oral Surgery

Tomorrow morning I’ll be going in to have a number of teeth on the top removed, as they have deteriorated to the point of causing abscess infections and exposed nerves. As a result, I have been in intense pain, waking up with a headache everyday, that I have no choice but to have them removed…