Category: Design

Tricks For More Usable Forms

Sitepoint has a new excellent article up today, from Simon Willison, taking a look at how to make forms more usable, utilizing simple little tricks that go a long way. Using a little bit of javascript, and intelligent CSS, forms can make a visitor’s job a little easier when they have to use it. This…

Linkpool And XHTML Strict Validation

I’m trying to figure out how to make the Linkpool PHP script (shown to the right in the Links section) to use the Movabletype plugin, SafeHref. This would effectively fix URL’s that break XHTML 1.0 Strict validation, such as those that has “&” in them. If anybody knows how to make it work, please let…

Google Redesigned By Fire

Design By Fire sparked (sorry) a little project to redesign the search results page of Google, and they’ve provided an example of their work. I thought I’d dive in and give it a shot, and here’s my redesign of Google. The page ix XHTML valid, with valid CSS code, and weighs in at 23.1kb. The…

AListApart Updated

There’s a couple of new goodies up on AListApart, and as always they’re interesting, informative, and fantastic. Here’s the articles they got up: Faux ColumnsIt’s a beginning CSS designer’s nightmare and a frequently asked question at ALA: Multi-column CSS layouts can run into trouble when one of the columns stops short of its intended length….