Category: Design

New Stylesheet Now Available

I’ve put together and made available a new stylesheet with a more “manly” look for this site, if you so choose. The default will still be the pink and purple I first put together, but since some of you aren’t in touch with your lesbian side like I am, you now can choose the blue/green/orange…

Good Blimey Redesigned

Good Blimey has been redesigned with an all-new look….

Web Design Fever

I’ve got the itch to design again. On the plate: a new design for my friend Brian, to see if the person he’s working with will like it and go with me on the design. Also I plan on redesigning this site. It’s much overdue. Oh yes, the missing “Listening To” bit I used to…

Designtopia And Web Design

I’m not sure if I mentioned it on here, but I have created another website, one that can provide me freelance web design jobs. The website is called Designtopia, and I’m extremely proud of it. When designing websites over the years, I’ve encountered final results that either made me feel really good about how it…