Word just spread that ETOnline is reporting that George Carlin has died at 5:55 p.m. yesterday of heart failure at 71 years of age. I probably don’t need to reiterate his amazing accomplishments, because there are too many, but just in case you need to brush up on his achievements …
George Carlin, as an entertainer has 23 standup albums, 14 HBO specials, 16 movie appearances, 5 books, 50 years in the entertainment business, and universal respect from his peers. It’s safe to say that there will never be someone quite like him in the entertainment business ever again.
Carlin told Playboy that his sensibilities developed in the 1950s, “when comedy stopped being safe … (and) became about saying no to authority.” He cited such influences as Lenny Bruce, Mort Sahl, Dick Gregory and Bob Newhart.
Even though I’ll miss him, I’m grateful for the immense legacy he has left behind. There’s no shortage of work to enjoy when I need my Carlin fix. Rest in peace, Mr. Carlin.