Year: 2005

Missing Daylate

I like to visit Ultragrrrl’s blog and the other day she posted that her dog went through seizures, and later died. That post capitalized on what I’ve been thinking a lot about the past week, because my dog, Daylate, died a year ago on January 3rd, 2004. He went through a similar experience as Ultragrrrl’s…

Site Updates (Again)

Okay, I lied, I decided to change the layout entirely, although the color scheme and some presentation remains the same. Thus I dub this revision of as 2.5. The major change I made was highlighting what I’m listening to with a larger album cover. Since music is a big part of my life, why…

Pitchfork New Design For 2005

It’s disheartening to see a website you’ve grown to love go from good to worst in design (thankfully the content will always be superb.) When they announced the redesign, I was excited. An improved Pitchfork that is easier to use, maybe? My hopes were high, but the unveiled redesign has left me bummed out. The…

Say Hi To Your Mom

I am experiencing a renewing interest in new music, and in my quest for musical bliss, I’ve discovered a new band that I enjoy immensely. For the past few days, when I wake up, the first song I put on are a couple of songs from this band. It’s really one guy working out of…