In Other News…

Well the Florida Marlins won the World Series, and the celebration begins here in Florida. It’s pretty impressive, considering the team was created in 1993, and already they have won 2 World Series in the franchise’s life. I imagine a lot of bets were lost tonight, as Analysts and baseball enthusiasts all felt the Yankees…

Things On The Agenda

Things on my agenda, based on no particular order: Continue learning XHTML and CSS, certifying validation is passed Learn about accessibility, and relevant tags, for the disabled Create different styles and typography selections Learn about movabletype and take advantage of all features Start new business

Site Update

Just a quick note to let you know that I’ve decided to start over with Good Blimey. Movabletype looks to have more flexibility over pMachine, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Be patient as I design this new look together. :)