Favtape/Muxtape – Loved Tracks Mashup

If you’re an avid user of Pandora or Last.fm and you find the “Loved Track” feature to be pretty useless, well not anymore! Favtape — now it’s Muxtape — takes your loved tracks from Pandora or Last.fm and presents them in a Muxtape-like format. It’s absolutely brilliant, and a great way to show off your…

FDA finds salmonella strain in jalapeno pepper

The Associated Press: FDA finds salmonella strain in jalapeno pepper is the latest story in the hunt for the salmonella outbreak that has sickened over a thousand people this summer. Which has me sad, because I eat a lot of jalapeno peppers. Not just in hot sauces, but in salsa, and if there’s anything I…

Meyer: Harvin’s heel healing well after surgery

Meyer: Harvin’s heel healing well after surgery is the latest report from Sports Illustrated, which has me breathing a sigh of relief. Percy Harvins is easily the most exciting player to watch in college football. I didn’t get to watch Reggie Bush in action when he was in college, but from all accounts, Percy is…

Dad on Vimeo (from Jake And Amir)

Dad on Vimeo (from JakeAndAmir.com)