I was reminded that GoodBlimey.com is 2 years old when I forgot to renew the domain, which expired yesterday. Yesterday marked the day when I first decided to create a blog for me, and also experiment with web design, as well.

I do have to admit that I still don’t have the feel for blogging on a regular basis yet. I tend to go through blogger’s block, where I just don’t know what to write.

Do I write about my personal life? Do I report news and try to spread the word? Do I use it as a vehicle for my interests, such as gaming, web design, technology, and so on? My writing style has certainly evolved over the years, as has my interests, but what hasn’t changed is my feeling towards this site.

Some interesting tidbits: there has been 7 different designs for this site, and 5 minor revisions, so theoretically this new design you’re seeing now is version 7.0, the site has been visited by over 400,000 visitors in the 2-year span, and of my whole family (who all have computers and internet except for my mom) only my mom make an effort to view this blog when she can.