Category: Rants

Bowling For Fools

For the love of God people, if you’re going to claim Michael Moore is a saint or how right he is when you have viewed his “documentary”, Bowling For Columbine, then I implore you to read this webpage. After reading that, then tell me how wonderful that man is, because if anything, perhaps you’ll realize…

Jessica Lynch: Military Used Me

When the whole Jessica Lynch hype was going on, I had a sneaky suspicion that it was overplayed by the media, and even mentioned to my roommate that it was probably one big joke. Well, apparently, it looks like that’s the case. Jessica Lynch mentioned on Primetime last night that the military had used her…

A Journal Entry, Expelled

There’s a story on CNN with details of a 14-year old girl being expelled from her school for writing a fictional account of a student falling asleep in class and dreaming of killing her teacher in her journal. While this isn’t an online blog, it is still the same thing, in many ways. I think…

AOL 9.0 Optimized – Save your printer ink!

Since family and friends rely on me for advice and tips on the computer, I’m also the designated installer for them. When I go to their house, I take CD’s with me of programs they could use, and fix whatever they need fixing. They all use AOL, so when a new version of AOL is…