Category: Entertainment

Shinedown covers Simple Man

Three decades ago, Lynyrd Skynyrd revolutionized rock by infusing it with a certain southern flair. Being from Jacksonville myself, where the band grew up, the band has been a big part of my musical upbringing. My dad married the woman who was formerly married to Billy Powell, keyboardist for Lynyrd Skynyrd. The band was a…

Tuner2 – Quality Internet Stations

A great site for anyone that likes internet radio is Tuner 2, which filters out the cream from the crap, and give you the best stations to listen to. Using the AACplus codec (available in the latest Winamp), you get CD quality music at half the bandwidth. One of the stations that is a big…

Invasion of the Mp3 Blogs

If you’re looking for a place to start finding MP3 blogs where you can download all the free, and legal, music out there, this site compiled a list of them from most popular to least. I’ve bookmarked it, as there are so many, and a lot of them post up some really fantastic music. A…

Say Hi To Your Mom

I am experiencing a renewing interest in new music, and in my quest for musical bliss, I’ve discovered a new band that I enjoy immensely. For the past few days, when I wake up, the first song I put on are a couple of songs from this band. It’s really one guy working out of…