Year: 2007

Arrested Development Season 1-3 Tributes

By far the funniest comedy television show I’ve ever seen is Arrested Development. It was cut short after 3 seasons by Fox. Someone put together a tribute to all 3 seasons, showing the funniest scenes in each one. I had bought the DVD of all three seasons and it has given me lots of laugh…

Sarcasm at its Finest

When I’m in a bad mood, I tend to read news headlines, and then I think up sarcastic responses to those headlines without actually reading the articles. I’m not sure why I do this, really. Although I do have to admit I use sarcasm as a defense mechanism and for humor, which can lead to…

Assumptions from my Writings

For as long as I can remember, I get emails from people that misinterpret my posts on this site. For example, someone assumed I was a dentist because of the posts I’ve made recently about my oral surgery, and she wanted answers I couldn’t give. Just now I had to delete a comment from someone…

After the Oral Surgery – Day 4

I woke up this morning with a nasty fever, and a killer headache to boot. I’ve come to realize that I’ve been getting headaches due to my Pepsi/caffeine withdrawal, which isn’t making my recovering any more fun. The fever seems to be fighting the infection in upper-lip gum area, as it has gone down during…