Month: December 2003

Sore Necks & Comment Spammers

I discovered this blog with some seriously hilarious entries in them. In fact, one of them had me in a fit laughing so hard. It’s about discovering one of those little plastic green army men in a can of cat food, and emailing the company about it. There are other entries that are fantastic reading…

Going To Dallas, Texas

I was invited by NVIDIA to Dallas, Texas from December 16th to December 20th for the Cyberathlete Professional League event for the Winter 2003 Championship. I will get to check out professional gamers from all over the world compete for cash prizes of up to $130,000. I’m pretty excited, and I’ll be sure to take…

Need For Speed: Underground

While trying to get over this cold, I’ve been playing Need For Speed: Underground lately. Normally I’m not very big on racing games, but they finally did the NFS series justice and put out an excellent game. There are incentives to complete races, as you get upgrades and other bonuses each time, and the more…

Flu Away, Begone

I’ve came down with a nasty cold or flu, complete with stuffy nose and sore throat. It’s been bothering me for the past couple of days, and no amount of hot sauce or juices (or both) seems to have much effect. Although the hot sauces do turn the stuffy nose into a runny nose, but…