Month: November 2003

Jessica Lynch: Military Used Me

When the whole Jessica Lynch hype was going on, I had a sneaky suspicion that it was overplayed by the media, and even mentioned to my roommate that it was probably one big joke. Well, apparently, it looks like that’s the case. Jessica Lynch mentioned on Primetime last night that the military had used her…

Pervacious Matt!

While flirting with Melanie this morning, I came up with my own pickup line: “I got plenty of motion and rhythm, that I send people into epilepsy seizures.” Unfortunately, Mel had her anti-flirt shield up. She has a big exam today. :|

Marijuana != Chocolate

While surfing around some RSS feeds, I’ve found a Q&A on Ask Yahoo asking Why do people crave chocolate?. They asked some experts, and it looks like chocolates has the same basic agent as marijuana, stimulating the same receptors in the brain. To get truly high though, you’d have to ingest 25lbs. of chocolate. So…

New Books & Homemade Dip

My sweetheart, Tammy, bought me two wonderful books to help expand my knowledge as a web designer. Designers are quite familiar with the people behind the book, they’re proponents of the languages and design world. Jeremy Zeldman’s Designing With Web Standards, and Eric Meyer’s On CSS. I’m in the beginning stages with Zeldman’s book, and…