Month: June 2008

Soy Is Not Healthy

Having a roommate that doesn’t eat very much meat, and prefers healthy over tasty means that I have a lot of soy-based products in my kitchen. Soy milk, soy margarine, tofu, you name it. Soy farmers are getting in on it, and soy companies are making ungodly amount of money raking in on the paranoia…

Dancing 2008 Video

Matt Harding of Where The Hell is Matt? fame has a new video out, that has him spanning the globe dancing with people from all over. It’s pretty awesome, and the song, Praan (available on Amazon MP3 for 89 cents), really makes it stand out. It gave me goosepimples. Check it out: Where the Hell…

The Mood for Music

I wrote this in response to Monica, when she had asked if it was schizophrenia that she would listen to new music one day, and old music the next.  I thought I’d share my reply on here: Some day you’re in the mood for new music, sometimes you want a comfort listen, a lot like…

Photos of New York from 1885-1970’s

This forum thread at Wired New York has an amazing amount of (mostly) black and white photographs showcasing the growth of New York from 1885, the early days of film-based photography, all the way to the 1970’s. It’s a great way to absorb what many say is the greatest city mankind has ever seen —…