I was so enthralled with The Arcade Fire when the Funeral album in late 2004 came out, that I bought the physical album, which was something I hadn’t done in years. I’d always buy my music online. Now with their new album, Neon Bible, right around the corner (March-April 2007), I’m getting excited again.
A couple of days ago they released a teaser from the new album, called Intervention, which you can hear below.
[audio:Arcade Fire – Intervention.mp3]Update: I remembered that I have a live recording of Intervention from The Arcade Fire when they played for the Santa Monica college radio station, KCRW. The difference from the retail and the live version is remarkable, but I absolutely love both. Here’s the song for your listening pleasure:
[audio:The Arcade Fire – Intervention (Live on KCRW).mp3]
loving this song cannot wait till the new album
What can you say, if it’s not broken don’t fix it.
Another infectious anthem from Arcade Fire, i sincerely hope the new album doesn’t dissapoint but with singles like this, how could it?
Amazing church organ. Can’t wait for the new album.
i heard the acoustic (live radio) demo — after several listenings to both, i have to admit that i like the demo version slightly better – a piano is used for the organ part, plus there is some wonderful detailing with guitar and cello. But they both are really amazing treatments of an incredibly powerful song.
You have to admire a band that has the balls to get the biggest real pipe organ they can find, to play what is essentially the rhythm guitar track….
I actually went to the little Quebec church that they recorded Neon Bible in and listened in at the door…
but I didnt hear anything.
But still! it was cool to see where it all went down