
After seeing commercials for this hamburger from Wendy’s, I thought it looked good — keyword:  looked good.  In this day and age, we all know that what we order at fast food restaurants will look nowhere near the same as what you see on the menu, on commercials, and other forms of advertising.  It is really sad, and reminds me of the scene in “Falling Down“, where Michael Douglas confronts the cashier with a gun about how what he ordered didn’t look like what he wanted.

Here’s the shot from Wendy’s website of what the burger looks like:

This is what I got tonight:

It wouldn’t be such a big deal if it tasted good, but it didn’t.  Denny’s version of the jalapeno burger is many times better, although Denny’s burger costs a few dollars more.  Luckily Denny’s is closer than Wendy’s for me.

Update:  Here’s a picture of Denny’s jalapeno burger: