Month: September 2006

My Roommate Doesn’t Like Me Anymore

You may have seen this story on the front page of, where some guy with a Jamaican accent killed a cop and his dog, and shot another officer in the leg.  This took place in Lakeland which is 15 minutes down the road from where I live.  There’s cops, helicopters, and a manhunt going down…

Emanuel – Mayonaise

While listening to Pandora I heard a song that was a cover of The Smashing Pumpkins’s “Today” which I thought was really good.  I haven’t heard any covers of SP’s music before, so I checked and saw that it was off of a tribute album called The Killer in You. After purchasing the album, I…

Florida Gators get Bad Calls

I’m not one to really mull over bad calls in a sports game, but when it affects such a stellar performance by a freshman, and nearly costs the team the game, it has me really annoyed. Here’s a video of the bad calls that was the reason why the game between the Florida Gators versus…

iRiver Clix 2GB MP3 Player Review

When shopping for a MP3 player, I originally wanted a tiny flash-based one for when I go on early morning runs, since hard drive-based ones tend to skip when there are sudden movements.  However, when I saw the iRiver Clix, I realized that I won’t be running all the time, so I might as well…