Lately in the news there’s been a lot of talk about Zoloft. Just recently, a 15-year old boy was sentenced to 30 years to life for killing his grandparents with a shotgun while they slept. He was taking Zoloft, however the jury felt he knew the difference between right and wrong. This post isn’t about whether the boy is innocent or guilty, but about a generation of kids growing up on chemicals, like Zoloft.
The excellent movie, Garden State, briefly touches upon this phenomenon. We’re seeing people growing up into adults, taking these chemicals and relying on them. What adverse effects will it have on people in the long run; on the decisions they make in life, and how they handle everyday tasks and emotions? Common sense dictates that our brains are very, very complex, and we shouldn’t tamper with it. There are defense mechanisms plus checks-and-balances that are naturally built into our brain and body. We’re built to withstand the worst and expect the best.
However, we live in an age where people don’t want to exert willpower and make an effort for a better life. People don’t want to know the difference between right and wrong. Some don’t want to sit still and smell the roses. I was one of them. I took Zoloft for a while, and it didn’t help. It made my situation worst.
What I needed to do, and eventually did, was rely on natural chemicals my body produces to counter the depression, and learn how to deal with my own problems, not run away from them. We’re so fond of running, but I found out real quick running led me nowhere but on the same path that I started on.
There’s a quote from a book I read that hits it on the nail, and is well worth remembering: “Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush, it colors every situation.”