Every night, for dessert, I make this smoothie that I’ve come up with. It’s very healthy, and tasty enough that even kids would beg for it. Here’s the recipe:

  • 1 bag frozen strawberries (fresh works too)
  • 1 whole lime
  • 1 jug soy milk (vanilla flavored)
  • 7 teaspoons brown sugar
  • 4 ice cubes (add more if using fresh unfrozen strawberries)

Add half a bag of frozen strawberries, or fill the blender halfway, cut the lime in half and add one half of its juice to the blender. Add soy milk til it reaches the top of the blender. Add 7 teaspoon of brown sugar. Then add ice cubes. Blend at the lowest speed setting until it reaches a smooth consistency (about 45 seconds.) Shake the blender lightly while it runs to ensure everything has settled and has been cut up properly. Add to frozen glasses, and take the other half of lime and slice them up and slide onto or into the glasses.

The tartness of the strawberries and the lime is wonderful, and the brown sugar adds the aromatic sweetness to it to balance it out. The soy milk gives it a strong base and is very healthy to boot. The ice helps smooth out and cool up the mixture. Makes 3-4 servings.