Tomorrow marks a week since my mom has been in the hospital. She submitted herself when she discovered her skin was jaundiced (yellow), as well as the whites of her eyes. It turned out that she has gallstones, and they are blocking a tract where waste leaves the body. They will have to perform surgery on her, and remove her gall bladder, along with the stone. They also intend on doing a biopsy on her liver.
What broke my heart was hearing how they put her on an I.V. diet because she complained her stomach was hurting her. Trying to find tasty food has been futile. She said she broke down crying when she saw the regular menu that she can’t have had pancakes on it with syrup. She has been eating a clear broth that tasted nasty, jello, and occasionally drinking ice tea. While talking to her on the phone, a nurse walked in and my mom heard that they were giving out sweet italian ice, and she really, really wanted some. Just hearing the desperation in her voice made me cry. I can’t bear to hear my mom in pain and misery.
The worst part is that she’s so far away. I wish I could be there to give her support and love, and I have to settle on letting her hear my voice and tell her how much I love her. I’m just not used to having my mom in a hospital, it has been a rare thing in my life. I’m thankful for that much, at least.
Sorry to hear that Matt. I’ll send my prayers in hopes that your mother gets better.
Thank you, prayers are welcome. I’ll find out later on today how she fared during the surgery. I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine, doctors take care of gallstones all the time.
Oh yeah, I know, mainly I pray for her experience in the hospital. ;)
Matt, my sincerest prayers for your mother’s health and time in the hospital. Having spent far too much time in hospitals, I know how depressing it can be to be stuck there for too long.
Thanks Paul. Yea, I hate hospitals too for that reason. Horrible food, nothing ever good on TV, and the pain killers only last for so long.
My Dearest Son, I love YOu SO VERY Much. I am So sorry that it caused you so much pain at the time I was’t thinking about how sad it made you . All I could think of was pancakes and pain med’s. Hearing your voice made every all right. I can’t wait to put my arms around you my strong funny angel of a son. I thank everyone for their prayers. LOVE HUGS KISSES. YOUR MOM. Oh pancakes are so good.