You know you’re a computer geek like me when:
- you get excited when you get mouse feet for your ailing mouse.
- you start using the * wildcard on government and tax forms.
- you try to figure out how to code the fridge using DIVS & CSS only.
- you can claim you played Dark Age of Camelot for 19 and a half hours non-stop.
- the computer makes a sudden weird noise, you know exactly what’s wrong.
- someone says “802.11n“, you smile happily.
- you tried unsuccessfully to sell your mom to the slave market for an iPod.
- you have fond memories of the “tracert” DOS command.
- playing Doom the first time is the highlight of your life.
- all the letters/symbols on your keyboard have been faded off completely for years.
- you don’t freak out when someone types to you that they need a new skin.